Abundance Now- Lisa Nichols

lisa-nichols-newHello Abundance NOW Ambassador,

Thank you again for saying yes to be part of the Abundance Now Ambassador Program. What that tells me about you is that you’re a Change Agent and Planet-Shaker who wants to make a difference in YOUR life and the life of OTHERS. I am so excited to have you on the team and even more excited to give you the instruments that will help you be a part of making that change.

You have said a bold Yes YES! to my invitation to be a part of a movement committed to raising the abundance consciousness of the planet, to join me in unlearning the scarcity mindset that has kept us from abundance in all areas of our lives.

I am excited that together we will lift as we climb, and as an Ambassador you empower as you grow, you live in humility, walk in your authority, stand in your power, lead from behind, shrink for no one and elevate as many people as you can touch.

Again thank you for saying yes to being a part of our movement. I look forward changing the consciousness of the world with you!

Your sister in prosperity and possibility,


1. The New Definition of Abundance


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