As we discussed in the last video, planning your future abundant lifestyle and healing your relationship with money are the first two steps in bringing abundance into your life.
In this video, we’re going to continue that conversation by having a dignified conversation around money and getting clear on our financial past, present, and future using the Financial Readiness Assessment.
You see, when I was in my twenties and making just enough money to pay the bills, I made a commitment to myself to become free from financial worry.
But I knew in order to do that, I must first take a long, hard, honest look at my finances. And in doing so, I was able to create a path to prosperity that I continue to follow today.
Today, I’m going to walk you through the Financial Readiness Assessment where you’ll take a look at your own finances and figure out where you fall on the assessment.
So join me as I guide you through the Financial Readiness Assessment and together we make today the beginning of your breathtaking financial future.